Friday, December 5, 2014

Enhancement: Brightness/Contrast and Histogram

The previous method based on the transfer function [Link] is powerful but you have to manually define the slope and the y-intercept of the transfer function. It is faster to directly modify the histogram.

Here is our test image...
Fig.1: Test image

2. Playing with the histogram

Fig.2: Histogram of the image in Fig.1

2.1. Normalization of the histogram
In the histogram of Fig. 2, there is no pixel value in the range of [0-50] and of [178-255].
It can be interesting to use all the pixel values available in a 8-bit image and thus to stretch the histogram between its extreme values (0 and 255) by interpolating all the values between 0 and 255. This operation is called the normalization of the histogram.

Go to Process > Math > Macro... and type the following formula:
The resulting image appears brighter and more contrasted. Then, run again the histogram by typing Ctrl + H. Et voilĂ ! the minimum and maximum values are 0 and 255, respectively.

Of course, it is implemented in ImageJ, go to Process > Enhance Contrast... . In the dialog window, set the Saturated Pixels to 0.0%  and check the Normalize checkbox.

Fig.3: Enhance Contrast Dialog Window

Check your histogram to be sure that the normalization is correct.
2.2. Equalization of the histogram
An ideal transfer function based on the cumulative histogram


3. Other crazybiocomputing posts

Further readings are available in ...
  • Image Enhancement Series  [Link]
  • Image Processing TOC [Link]

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