Monday, February 6, 2012

WebGL: Visualizing macromolecules

Table of contents

A new series of posts dedicated to WebGL and javascript in the context of macromolecules visualization.

  1. Getting 3D data from the Protein Data Bank
    1. Protein Data Bank
    2. XmlHttpRequest javascript object
    3. PDB Parser
    4. Selecting atoms 
    5. Test molecules
  2. The OpenGL context 
    1. Creating an OpenGL context [Link]
    2. Resizing the GL context
  3. Skeleton of an openGL application
    1. Initialize Buffers
    2. Programming the GPU: the shaders
    3. Draw scene
    4. The camera
    5. Lights and normals
    6. Textures
  4. Displaying atoms as points
  5. Interacting with the scene
    1. Mouse interactions: Zoom in/ zoom out
    2. Simple rotations
    3. Arc ball

  6. Displaying atoms as spheres
  7. Displaying atoms as point sprites
    1. Size
    2. Normal map
    3. Depth map
  8. Other visual representation

Learning WebGL: WebGL tutorial based on NeHe examples.

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